Q. 卫生和社会工作

按照 GB/T4754-2017(中华人民共和国国家标准:国民经济行业分类), 卫生和社会工作 门类又细分为以下大类:

  • 84 卫生

  • 85 社会工作

以下我们列出了部分国际通行的行业 KPI 指标,仅供参考:

中文名称 英文名称
  • Accounts receivable
  • Accounts payable and accrued expenses
  • Admissions in-patient
  • Average length of stay (ALOS)
  • Average length of stay (ALOS) for top ten diagnoses
  • Assets in current period
  • Assets in prior period
  • Average age of plant
  • Average age of workforce
  • Average daily and monthly census
  • Average hourly rate
  • Average length of stay
  • Average payment period (days)
  • Average time to fill positions
  • Backorder percentage
  • Bad debt as percentage of net revenue
  • Bottleneck areas
  • Break even
  • Capital expenditure growth rate
  • Case mix index
  • Cash and equivalents
  • Cash collected versus target
  • Cash on hand (days)
  • Communication effectiveness
  • Contract negotiation schedule
  • Cost per discharge
  • Current asset turnover
  • Current ratio
  • Days in accounts receivable
  • Debt service coverage ratio
  • Depredation funds
  • Depreciation rate
  • Discharge process time
  • Discharges in-patient
  • Discounts trends, revenue, and margin by payer class
  • Due to third parties
  • Education funds
  • Emergency visits outpatient
  • Encounters outpatient
  • Equity financing
  • Errors related to procedure/treatment or test
  • Events, number of events by type and department
  • Expenses per physician FTE
  • Fixed asset turnover
  • Free operating cash flow to assets
  • Free operating cash flow to revenue
  • FTE per occupied bed
  • FTEs per adjusted occupied bed
  • Growth rate on equity
  • Hazardous materials usage
  • Informed about delays
  • Inventory ratio
  • Inventory turnover
  • Investments at market value
  • Long-term debt
  • Long-term investments
  • Maintained bed occupancy
  • Mean wait time in emergency department (ED) for hospital bed
  • Medication errors, number of errors per 1,000 treatments
  • Medication errors, number of errors per month/year
  • Month to date (MTD) bad debt
  • MTD cash collected
  • MTD revenue
  • Net assets
  • Net income
  • Net income to patient revenue
  • Net revenue
  • Non-operating gains
  • Number of new hires per day
  • Nurse turnover rate
  • Nurse vacancy rate
  • Nurses attention to needs
  • Operating income
  • Operating profit margin
  • Operating revenues
  • Other liabilities
  • Outside labor as a percentage of total
  • Over or under consumption of service lines by payer types
  • Overtime costs
  • Paid time off costs at business unit level
  • Paid time off costs at department level
  • Patient accounts receivable
  • Patient care hours
  • Patient complaint rate
  • Patient satisfaction
  • Patient wait times, by process step
  • Patient/staff ratios
  • Patients who leave without being seen (by day, by time)
  • Percentage of capital expenses
  • Percentage of cash flow to total debt
  • Percentage of cash flow to total liabilities
  • Percentage of charitable revenue
  • Percentage of debt to capitalization
  • Percentage of fixed asset financing
  • Percentage of in-patient capitated revenue
  • Percentage of in-patient commercial revenue
  • Percentage of in-patient HMO revenue
  • Percentage of in-patient revenue
  • Percentage of in-patient self-pay revenue
  • Percentage of Medicaid revenue
  • Percentage of operating margin
  • Percentage of outpatient Medicare revenue
  • Percentage of outpatient revenue
  • Percentage of part-time FTEs of total FTEs
  • Percentage of voluntary staff turnover
  • Physician FTE
  • Physician productivity (relative value units)
  • Purchase order (PO) quantity ordered by department
  • Property, plant, and equipment
  • Readmission rates
  • Replacement viability
  • Reported income index
  • Reserve levels
  • Return on equity
  • Return to vendor
  • Revenue by contract type
  • Revenue per physician FTE
  • Risk-adjusted mortality
  • Salaries and benefits
  • Satisfaction with physical examination
  • Satisfaction with physician
  • Service line utilization and trends by payer type
  • Service provision
  • Short-term investments
  • Skill levels
  • Source of hires versus cost
  • Staff turnover
  • Staff turnover by job code
  • Staff turnover by location
  • Staffing cost trend
  • Staffing-related quality indicators
  • Supplies and services
  • Surgical cases in-patient
  • Surgical cases out-patient
  • Times interest earned
  • Total admissions
  • Total cash and investments
  • Total compensation per FTE
  • Total discharge
  • Total income
  • Total liabilities
  • Total margin
  • Total operating expenses
  • Total paid time off of FTEs
  • Total PO dollar amount
  • Total revenue per FTE
  • Total salary per FTE
  • Total travel distance
  • Total turnover per manager
  • Total turnover per tenure
  • Total unrestricted funds
  • Turnover of clinical and non-clinical staff
  • Uncompensated care
  • Unit efficiency
  • Unrealized gains
  • Vacancy rate
  • Weekly payroll
  • Working capital absorption
  • Working capital for current accounting period
  • Accounts receivable
  • Accounts payable and accrued expenses
  • Admissions in-patient
  • Average length of stay (ALOS)
  • Average length of stay (ALOS) for top ten diagnoses
  • Assets in current period
  • Assets in prior period
  • Average age of plant
  • Average age of workforce
  • Average daily and monthly census
  • Average hourly rate
  • Average length of stay
  • Average payment period (days)
  • Average time to fill positions
  • Backorder percentage
  • Bad debt as percentage of net revenue
  • Bottleneck areas
  • Break even
  • Capital expenditure growth rate
  • Case mix index
  • Cash and equivalents
  • Cash collected versus target
  • Cash on hand (days)
  • Communication effectiveness
  • Contract negotiation schedule
  • Cost per discharge
  • Current asset turnover
  • Current ratio
  • Days in accounts receivable
  • Debt service coverage ratio
  • Depredation funds
  • Depreciation rate
  • Discharge process time
  • Discharges in-patient
  • Discounts trends, revenue, and margin by payer class
  • Due to third parties
  • Education funds
  • Emergency visits outpatient
  • Encounters outpatient
  • Equity financing
  • Errors related to procedure/treatment or test
  • Events, number of events by type and department
  • Expenses per physician FTE
  • Fixed asset turnover
  • Free operating cash flow to assets
  • Free operating cash flow to revenue
  • FTE per occupied bed
  • FTEs per adjusted occupied bed
  • Growth rate on equity
  • Hazardous materials usage
  • Informed about delays
  • Inventory ratio
  • Inventory turnover
  • Investments at market value
  • Long-term debt
  • Long-term investments
  • Maintained bed occupancy
  • Mean wait time in emergency department (ED) for hospital bed
  • Medication errors, number of errors per 1,000 treatments
  • Medication errors, number of errors per month/year
  • Month to date (MTD) bad debt
  • MTD cash collected
  • MTD revenue
  • Net assets
  • Net income
  • Net income to patient revenue
  • Net revenue
  • Non-operating gains
  • Number of new hires per day
  • Nurse turnover rate
  • Nurse vacancy rate
  • Nurses attention to needs
  • Operating income
  • Operating profit margin
  • Operating revenues
  • Other liabilities
  • Outside labor as a percentage of total
  • Over or under consumption of service lines by payer types
  • Overtime costs
  • Paid time off costs at business unit level
  • Paid time off costs at department level
  • Patient accounts receivable
  • Patient care hours
  • Patient complaint rate
  • Patient satisfaction
  • Patient wait times, by process step
  • Patient/staff ratios
  • Patients who leave without being seen (by day, by time)
  • Percentage of capital expenses
  • Percentage of cash flow to total debt
  • Percentage of cash flow to total liabilities
  • Percentage of charitable revenue
  • Percentage of debt to capitalization
  • Percentage of fixed asset financing
  • Percentage of in-patient capitated revenue
  • Percentage of in-patient commercial revenue
  • Percentage of in-patient HMO revenue
  • Percentage of in-patient revenue
  • Percentage of in-patient self-pay revenue
  • Percentage of Medicaid revenue
  • Percentage of operating margin
  • Percentage of outpatient Medicare revenue
  • Percentage of outpatient revenue
  • Percentage of part-time FTEs of total FTEs
  • Percentage of voluntary staff turnover
  • Physician FTE
  • Physician productivity (relative value units)
  • Purchase order (PO) quantity ordered by department
  • Property, plant, and equipment
  • Readmission rates
  • Replacement viability
  • Reported income index
  • Reserve levels
  • Return on equity
  • Return to vendor
  • Revenue by contract type
  • Revenue per physician FTE
  • Risk-adjusted mortality
  • Salaries and benefits
  • Satisfaction with physical examination
  • Satisfaction with physician
  • Service line utilization and trends by payer type
  • Service provision
  • Short-term investments
  • Skill levels
  • Source of hires versus cost
  • Staff turnover
  • Staff turnover by job code
  • Staff turnover by location
  • Staffing cost trend
  • Staffing-related quality indicators
  • Supplies and services
  • Surgical cases in-patient
  • Surgical cases out-patient
  • Times interest earned
  • Total admissions
  • Total cash and investments
  • Total compensation per FTE
  • Total discharge
  • Total income
  • Total liabilities
  • Total margin
  • Total operating expenses
  • Total paid time off of FTEs
  • Total PO dollar amount
  • Total revenue per FTE
  • Total salary per FTE
  • Total travel distance
  • Total turnover per manager
  • Total turnover per tenure
  • Total unrestricted funds
  • Turnover of clinical and non-clinical staff
  • Uncompensated care
  • Unit efficiency
  • Unrealized gains
  • Vacancy rate
  • Weekly payroll
  • Working capital absorption
  • Working capital for current accounting period