E. 建筑业

按照 GB/T4754-2017(中华人民共和国国家标准:国民经济行业分类), 建筑业门类又细分为以下大类:

  •  47 房屋建筑业

  • 48 土木工程建筑业

  • 49 建筑安装业

  • 50 建筑装饰、装修和其他建筑业

以下我们列出了部分国际通行的行业 KPI 指标,仅供参考:

中文名称 英文名称
  • 事故次数
  • 每个供应商事故次数
  • Actual working days versus available working days
  • Cash balance - Actual versus baseline
  • Change orders - Clients
  • Change orders - Project manager
  • Client satisfaction - Client-specified criteria
  • Client satisfaction product - Standard criteria
  • Client satisfaction service - Standard criteria
  • Cost for construction
  • Cost predictability - Construction
  • Cost predictability - Construction (client change orders)
  • Cost predictability; Construction (project leader change orders)
  • Cost predictability - Design
  • Cost predictability - Design and construction cost to rectify defects
  • Customer satisfaction level
  • Day to day project completion ratio - Actual versus baseline
  • Fatalities
  • Interest cover (company)
  • Labor cost - Actual versus baseline
  • Labor cost over project timeline
  • Liability ratio (over asset) on current versus completion comparison
  • Number of defects
  • Outstanding money (project)
  • Percentage of equipment downtime
  • Percentage of labor downtime
  • Percentage of backlogs over project timeline
  • Percentage of unapproved change orders
  • Productivity (company)
  • Profit margin - Actual versus baseline profit margin over project timeline
  • Profit predictability (project)
  • Profitability (company)
  • Quality issues at available for use
  • Quality issues at end of defect rectification period
  • Ratio of value added (company)
  • Repeat business (company)
  • Reportable accidents (including fatalities)
  • Reportable accidents (non-fatal)
  • Return on capital employed (company)
  • Return on investment (client)
  • Return on value added (company)
  • Time for construction
  • Time predictability - Construction
  • Time predictability - Construction (client change orders)
  • Time predictability - Construction (project leader change orders)
  • Time predictability - Design
  • Time predictability - Design and construction
  • Time taken to reach final account (project)
  • Time to rectify defects
  • Number of accidents
  • Number of accidents per supplier
  • Actual working days versus available working days
  • Cash balance - Actual versus baseline
  • Change orders - Clients
  • Change orders - Project manager
  • Client satisfaction - Client-specified criteria
  • Client satisfaction product - Standard criteria
  • Client satisfaction service - Standard criteria
  • Cost for construction
  • Cost predictability - Construction
  • Cost predictability - Construction (client change orders)
  • Cost predictability; Construction (project leader change orders)
  • Cost predictability - Design
  • Cost predictability - Design and construction cost to rectify defects
  • Customer satisfaction level
  • Day to day project completion ratio - Actual versus baseline
  • Fatalities
  • Interest cover (company)
  • Labor cost - Actual versus baseline
  • Labor cost over project timeline
  • Liability ratio (over asset) on current versus completion comparison
  • Number of defects
  • Outstanding money (project)
  • Percentage of equipment downtime
  • Percentage of labor downtime
  • Percentage of backlogs over project timeline
  • Percentage of unapproved change orders
  • Productivity (company)
  • Profit margin - Actual versus baseline profit margin over project timeline
  • Profit predictability (project)
  • Profitability (company)
  • Quality issues at available for use
  • Quality issues at end of defect rectification period
  • Ratio of value added (company)
  • Repeat business (company)
  • Reportable accidents (including fatalities)
  • Reportable accidents (non-fatal)
  • Return on capital employed (company)
  • Return on investment (client)
  • Return on value added (company)
  • Time for construction
  • Time predictability - Construction
  • Time predictability - Construction (client change orders)
  • Time predictability - Construction (project leader change orders)
  • Time predictability - Design
  • Time predictability - Design and construction
  • Time taken to reach final account (project)
  • Time to rectify defects