除了按国民经济行业分类整理常用的 KPI 外,我们按组织的市场、销售、客户服务、人力资源、财务和信息技术等职能部门,也整理了一些常用的KPI指标。


以下是市场职能部门常用的部分 KPI 指标,仅供参考:

中文名称 英文名称
  • 广告点击率(CTR)
  • 广告活动的平均回应率
  • 品牌知名度
  • 品牌考虑
  • 品牌信誉
  • 品牌实力
  • 媒体报道的列英寸
  • 消费者意识
  • 接触率(有效接触的联系人数/目标列表中的联系人数)

  • 每条线索的转换成本
  • 每条线索的成本
  • 每千次展示费用(CPM)
  • 材料交付
  • 有效触及率
  • 总评分点(GRP)
  • 品牌增长可持续率
  • 产生的销售线索
  • 营销预算意识需求比
  • 营销预算比率(MER)
  • 商业杂志上的文章放置数量
  • 拜访客户次数
  • 产品聚焦小组的数量
  • 客户满意度调查的数量
  • 商业杂志的刊登数量
  • 参加/参与的贸易展览数量 
  • 愿意推广您的产品/服务的客户百分比
  • Q得分(一种衡量品牌的熟悉程度和吸引力的方法)
  • 反应速度
  • 品牌的投资回报率(ROI)
  • 市场营销投资回报率(ROMI)
  • 品牌创收能力
  • 保持预算
  • 目标评级点
  • 客户获取总成本
  • 品牌交易价值
  • 网站点击率
  • 网站点击
  • 网站产生的线索
  • Ad click-through ratio (CTR)
  • Average response rates of campaigns
  • Brand awareness percentage
  • Brand consideration
  • Brand credibility
  • Brand strength
  • Column inches of media coverage
  • Consumer awareness
  • Contact rate (number of contacts effectively contacted / number of contacts in the target list)
  • Cost per converted lead
  • Cost per lead
  • Cost per mille (CPM)
  • Delivery of materials
  • Effective reach
  • Gross rating point (GRP)
  • Growth sustainability rate of brand
  • Leads generated
  • Marketing budget awareness-demand ratio
  • Marketing budget ratio (MER)
  • Number of article placements in trade magazines
  • Number of client visits
  • Number of product focus groups conducted
  • Number of customer satisfaction surveys administered
  • Number of placements in trade magazines
  • Number of trade shows attended / participated in
  • Percentage of customers willing to promote your product/service
  • Q score (a way to measure the familiarity and appeal of a brand, etc.)
  • Response rate
  • Return on investment (ROI) of brand
  • Return on marketing investment (ROMI)
  • Revenue generation capabilities of brand
  • Staying in budget
  • Target rating point
  • Total cost of customer acquisition
  • Transaction value of brand
  • Website click-throughs
  • Website hits
  • Website leads generated


以下是销售职能部门常用的部分 KPI 指标,仅供参考:

中文名称 英文名称
  • 实际通话次数
  • 实际销售价值与初始出价
  • 销售预测的早晚
  • 每个销售人员的平均管理时间
  • 平均交易规模
  • 完成交易的平均活动次数(通话,会议等)
  • 每件产品的平均价格折扣
  • 每个销售人员的平均价格折扣
  • 每件产品的平均收入
  • 通话任务
  • 销售关单数量
  • 销售关单比例
  • 客户获取成本占销售价值的百分比
  • 客户流失率
  • 客户忠诚度
  • 客户购买频率
  • 客户满意度
  • 销售交易频率
  • 每种产品的毛利率
  • 每个销售人员的毛利率
  • 新销售人员的上班时间
  • 认证合作伙伴数
  • 每个合作伙伴的交易数量
  • FTE的销售订单数
  • 完成任务的销售人员数量
  • 每天/每周/每月/每季度/每年售出的单位数
  • 合作伙伴流失率
  • 合作伙伴利润率
  • 销售机会转化百分比
  • 在线销售收入百分比
  • 新产品/服务的销售百分比
  • 完成任务的销售代表的百分比
  • 通过合作伙伴渠道获得的销售收入百分比
  • 按销售阶段划分的销售管道
  • 合格的销售线索
  • 合格的销售机会
  • 每个销售人员的销售收入
  • 销售能力
  • 销售周期
  • 每个部门的销售额
  • 销售人员营业额
  • 销售任务
  • 时间利用率
  • 销售渠道中交易规模的未加权总和
  • 销售价值损失
  • 销售赢/输比率
  • Actual calls
  • Actual sales value versus initial bid
  • Age of sales forecast
  • Average administrative time per sales person
  • Average deal size
  • Average number of activities (calls, meetings, etc.) to close a deal
  • Average price discount per product
  • Average price discount per sales person
  • Average revenue per product
  • Call quota
  • Closed sales
  • Closing ratio
  • Customer acquisitions costs as a percentage of sales value
  • Customer churn ratio
  • Customer loyalty
  • Customer purchase frequency
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Frequency of sales transactions
  • Gross margin per product
  • Gross margin per sales person
  • New sales person ramp-up time
  • Number of certified partners
  • Number of deals per partner
  • Number of sales orders by FTE
  • Number of sales people meeting their quota
  • Number of units sold per day/week/month/quarter/year
  • Partner churn ratio
  • Partner profit margin
  • Percentage of converted opportunities
  • Percentage of online sales revenue
  • Percentage of sales due to launched product/services
  • Percentage of sales representatives to achieve quota
  • Percentage of sales revenue via partner channel
  • Pipeline by sales stage
  • Qualified leads
  • Qualified opportunities
  • Revenue per sales person
  • Sales capacity
  • Sales cycle time
  • Sales per department
  • Sales person turnover
  • Sales quota
  • Time utilization
  • Unweighted sum of deal size in sales pipeline
  • Value of sales lost
  • Win/loss ratio percentage


以下是客户服务职能部门常用的部分 KPI 指标,仅供参考:

中文名称 英文名称
  • 代理的全职员工占呼叫中心全职员工总数的百分比

  • 应答百分比(应答的销售电话数/分配的销售电话总数)

  • 通话后平均工作时间
  • 每处理程序的平均呼叫/服务请求数
  • 来电平均排队时间
  • 每分钟处理时间的成本
  • 呼叫中心/服务台的运营成本
  • 电子邮件积压数量
  • 现场服务技术人员利用率
  • 命中率(售出产品与已收到总销售电话的比较)
  • 呼入放弃率
  • 代理拨打的呼入电话
  • 呼入可用率
  • 呼入平均通话时间
  • 呼入平均话后处理时间
  • 呼叫中心的呼入产生销售线索数量
  • 呼叫中心的呼入产生销售机会数量
  • 已处理的呼入来电
  • 每个代理小时处理的呼入
  • 呼入服务级别
  • 投诉次数
  • 在给定时间范围内能回答客户服务请求的百分比
  • 转移呼叫的百分比
  • 每天/每周/每月的总通话时间
  • Agent's full-time employees (FTEs) as percentage of total call center FTEs
  • Answering percentage (number of sales calls answered/total number of sales calls offered)
  • Average after-call work time
  • Average number of calls/ service request per handler
  • Average queue time of incoming phone calls
  • Cost per minute of handle time
  • Costs of operating call center/ service desk
  • Email backlog
  • Field service technician utilization
  • Hit rate (products sold compared to total received sales calls)
  • Inbound abandon rate
  • Inbound agent dialed calls
  • Inbound availability rate
  • Inbound average talk time
  • Inbound average wrap time
  • Inbound call center leads created
  • Inbound call center opportunities created
  • Inbound calls handled
  • Inbound calls handled per agent hour
  • Inbound service level
  • Number of complaints
  • Percentage of customer service requests answered in given timeframe
  • Percentage of calls transferred
  • Total calling time per day/week/month


以下是人力资源职能部门常用的部分 KPI 指标,仅供参考:

中文名称 英文名称
  • 实际租金与预算租金比
  • 年度志愿员工离职率
  • 年度志愿离职率
  • 每个人力资源部门员工负责的员工平均数量

  • 平均面试费用
  • 经理的平均到位时间(以月为单位)
  • 目前所有雇员的平均服务年限
  • 离职的所有员工的平均服务时间
  • 平均到位时间(以月为单位)
  • 员工的平均培训时间
  • 员工的平均休假天数
  • 离职员工的平均绩效得分
  • 平均退休年龄
  • 平均工资
  • 向指定经理汇报的所有员工的平均工资
  • 每次招聘的平均寻找成本
  • 员工从事相同工作/职务的平均时间
  • 平均上班时间
  • 更新员工记录的平均时间
  • 员工的平均培训费用
  • 补偿金占销售收入的百分比
  • 临时工
  • 员工对培训的满意度
  • 已完成安置
  • 男女员工比例
  • 人力资源部门全职员工比例
  • 该经理管理的临时工人数
  • 人力资源平均服务年限(在职人员)
  • 人力资源平均服务年限(离职人员)
  • 人事部门每个全职员工的成本
  • 人力资源人数-实际
  • 人力资源人数-可用
  • 人力资源与员工比例
  • 职位空缺占所有职位的百分比
  • 新员工素质
  • 岗位填补时间
  • 对招聘来的经理满意度
  • 每次招聘的费用
  • 员工效率
  • 内部,外部和总人数的招聘成本和比例
  • 报告期内为该经理完成的员工安置数量

  • 兼职雇员占雇员总数的百分比
  • 接受定期绩效考核的员工比例
  • 接近休假的员工百分比

  • 人力资源预算用于培训的百分比
  • 新员工保留率
  • 内部培训与外部培训的比例
  • 标准工资与当地最低工资之比
  • 培训的投资回报率(ROI)
  • 总加班时间占所有工作时间的百分比
  • 培训普及率(完成课程的员工与所有全职员工的百分比)

  • 劳动力稳定性
  • Actual versus budgeted cost of hire
  • Annualized voluntary employee turnover rate
  • Annualized voluntary turnover rate
  • Average headcount of employees each human resources (HR) employee working is caring for
  • Average interviewing costs
  • Average length of placement in months for the manager
  • Average length of service of all current employees
  • Average length of service of all employees who have separated
  • Average months placement
  • Average number of training hours per employee
  • Average number of vacation days per employee
  • Average performance scores of departing employees
  • Average retirement age
  • Average salary
  • Average salary for all employees reporting to the selected manager
  • Average sourcing cost per hire
  • Average time employees are in same job/ function
  • Average time to competence
  • Average time to update employee records
  • Average training costs per employee
  • Compensation cost as a percentage of revenue
  • Contingent workers
  • Employee satisfaction with training
  • End placements
  • Female to male ratio
  • Full-time employees (FTEs) per human resources (HR) department FTE
  • Headcount of contingent workers for the manager
  • HR average years of service (incumbents)
  • HR average years of service (terminations)
  • HR department cost per FTE
  • HR headcount - Actual
  • HR headcount - Available
  • HR to employee staff ratio
  • Job vacancies as a percentage of all positions
  • New hire quality
  • Time to fill
  • Hiring manager satisfaction
  • Cost per hire
  • Staffing efficiency
  • Internal, external, and total headcount recruiting costs and ratios
  • Number of end placements made in the reporting period for the manager
  • Part-time employees as a percentage of total employees
  • Percentage of employees receiving regular performance reviews
  • Percentage of employees that are near or at max for their vacation balances
  • Percentage of HR budget spent on training
  • Percentage of new hire retention
  • Ratio of internal versus external training
  • Ratio of standard level wage to local minimum wage
  • Return on investment (ROI) of training
  • Total overtime hours as a percentage of all work hours
  • Training penetration rate (percentage of employees completing a course compared to all FTEs)
  • Workforce stability


以下是财务职能部门常用的部分 KPI 指标,仅供参考:

中文名称 英文名称
  • 会计费用
  • 应付账款周转率
  • 应收账款回收期
  • 应收账款周转率
  • 实际费用
  • 应收金额(每个客户)
  • 每客户平均应收帐金额
  • 未付发票的平均货币价值
  • 逾期发票的平均货币价值
  • 每笔过账的平均引用次数
  • 每个关键指标的预算差异
  • 预算支出
  • 资本支出
  • 现金转换周期(CCC)
  • 投资的现金流量回报率(CFROI)
  • 销售商品成本(COGS)
  • 支付的现金股利
  • 每张工资单的成本
  • 债权天数
  • 流动应收款
  • 年度复合增长率(CAGR)
  • 费用报销的周期
  • 工资处理的周期
  • 解决发票错误的周期
  • 解决工资错误的周期
  • 应付天数
  • 债务天数
  • 直接成本
  • 现金流折现
  • 息税前利润(EBIT)
  • 扣除利息,税项,折旧前的利润(EBITDA)
  • 经济附加值(EVA)
  • 员工可用时间
  • 员工预定时间
  • 员工工作中心负荷
  • 企业价值/收购价值
  • 费用帐户贷方交易
  • 费用帐户借方交易
  • 费用帐户交易
  • 固定成本
  • 毛利
  • 毛利率
  • 间接费用
  • 存货周转率
  • 存货价值
  • 发票处理成本
  • 内部收益率(IRR)
  • 市场占有率相对百分比
  • 现金净变动
  • 净收入
  • 净现值(NPV)
  • 未结发票数
  • 未申请收据的数量
  • 逾期贷款数量
  • 未结应收款
  • 未清应收账款金额(每客户)
  • 经营杠杆
  • 逾期应收款
  • 应付账款周转率
  • 付款错误占工资总额的百分比
  • 财务报告的百分比准确性
  • 坏账占发票收入的百分比
  • 电子发票的百分比
  • 争议百分比(每客户)
  • 正在查询的发票百分比
  • 需要特殊付款的发票百分比
  • 低值发票的百分比
  • 未结应收账款百分比(每客户)
  • 无采购订单的应付发票百分比
  • 通过网络发布的服务请求的百分比(自助)
  • 完美的订单绩效
  • 速动比率
  • 应收款
  • 应收账款周转率
  • 已用资本回报率(ROCE)
  • 销售增长
  • 分享价格
  • 工资核算的系统成本占工资核算总成本百分比
  • 应付款总计
  • 单位生产使用的总能源
  • 应收款总计
  • 销售总额
  • 未应用的收据
  • 可变成本
  • 销售欠款拖欠加权天数
  • 销售欠款拖欠加权天数(每客户)
  • 销售欠款加权付款条款
  • 销售欠款加权付款条款(每客户)
  • Accounting costs
  • Accounts payable turnover
  • Accounts receivable collection period
  • Accounts receivable turnover
  • Actual expenses
  • Amount due (per customer)
  • Average customer receivable
  • Average monetary value of invoices outstanding
  • Average monetary value of overdue invoices
  • Average number of trackbacks per post
  • Budget variance for each key metric
  • Budgeted expenses
  • Capital expenditures
  • Cash conversion cycle (CCC)
  • Cash flow return on investments (CFROI)
  • Cost of goods sold (COGS)
  • Cash dividends paid
  • Cost per pay slip issued
  • Creditor days
  • Current receivables
  • Cumulative annual growth rate (CAGR)
  • Cycle time for expense reimbursements
  • Cycle time to process payroll
  • Cycle time to resolve an invoice error
  • Cycle time to resolve payroll errors
  • Days payable
  • Debtor days
  • Direct cost
  • Discounted cash flow
  • Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)
  • Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation (EBITDA)
  • Economic value added (EVA)
  • Employee available time
  • Employee scheduled time
  • Employee work center loading
  • Enterprise value/ takeover value
  • Expense account credit transactions
  • Expense account debit transactions
  • Expense account transactions
  • Fixed costs
  • Gross profit
  • Gross profit margin
  • Indirect costs
  • Inventory turnover
  • Inventory value
  • Invoice processing costs
  • Internal rate of return (IRR)
  • Market share gain comparison percentage
  • Net change in cash
  • Net income
  • Net present value (NPV)
  • Number of invoices outstanding
  • Number of unapplied receipts
  • Number of past-due loans
  • Open receivables
  • Open receivables amount (per customer)
  • Operating leverage
  • Past-due receivables
  • Payables turnover
  • Payment errors as a percentage of total payroll disbursement
  • Percentage accuracy of financial reports
  • Percentage of bad debts against invoiced revenue
  • Percentage of electronic invoices
  • Percentage in dispute (per customer)
  • Percentage of invoices being queried
  • Percentage of invoices requiring special payment
  • Percentage of low-value invoices
  • Percentage of open receivables (per customer)
  • Percentage of payable invoices without purchase order
  • Percentage of service requests posted via web (self-help)
  • Perfect order measure
  • Quick ratio
  • Receivables
  • Receivables turnover
  • Return on capital employed (ROCE)
  • Sales growth
  • Share price
  • Systems cost of payroll process as a percentage of total payroll cost
  • Total payables
  • Total energy used per unit of production
  • Total receivables
  • Total sales
  • Unapplied receipts
  • Variable costs
  • Weighted days delinquent sales outstanding
  • Weighted days delinquent sales outstanding (per customer)
  • Weighted terms outstanding
  • Weighted terms outstanding (per customer)


以下是信息技术职能部门常用的部分 KPI 指标,仅供参考:

中文名称 英文名称
  • 成功创建账号
  • 成功终止账号
  • 活动目录性能指标
  • 警告到现实比率
  • 数据中心平均可用性
  • 呼叫中心PBX(用户级交换机)可用性
  • 校园PBX可用性
  • 客户联系效率
  • 消耗的数据中心容量
  • 电子邮件客户端可用性
  • Exchange服务器可用性
  • 变更事件
  • 互联网代理的性能
  • 网络可用性-高可用性站点
  • 网络可用性-标准站点
  • 网络可管理性指标
  • 没有发现问题/票证的重复
  • 分支机构备份成功百分比
  • 超出目标利用率的电路百分比
  • IT管理服务器在截止日期之前打过修补的百分比
  • 符合软件配置标准的生产服务器的百分比

  • 在维护窗口内重新启动安全更新的百分比
  • 可成功远程访问服务器(RAS)连接的百分比
  • 电话接听服务等级
  • 满足SLA的优先级1和优先级2网络事件
  • 产品采用状况和合规性
  • 备份恢复成功率
  • 服务器增长率
  • 服务器可管理性指标
  • 服务台客户满意度-不满意的百分比
  • 服务台1级解决率
  • 服务台时间升级
  • 服务台解决时间
  • 存储实用程序服务的可用性
  • 存储实用程序利用率
  • 虚拟机置备间隔
  • 虚拟服务器实用程序的可用性
  • 网页服务器可用性
  • Account create success
  • Account termination success
  • Active directory performance index
  • Alert-to-ticket ratio
  • Average data center availability
  • Call center PBX availability
  • Campus PBX availability
  • Customer connection effectiveness
  • Data center capacity consumed
  • Email client availability
  • Exchange server availability
  • Incidents from change
  • Internet proxy performance
  • Network availability - High availability sites
  • Network availability - Standard sites
  • Network manageability index
  • No problem found/duplicate tickets
  • Percentage of branch office backup success
  • Percentage of circuits exceeding target utilization
  • Percentage of IT managed servers patched at deadline
  • Percentage of production servers meeting software configuration standards
  • Percentage of security update restarts within maintenance window
  • Percentage successful remote access server (RAS) connections
  • Phone answer service level
  • Priority 1 and priority 2 network incidents meeting SLA
  • Product adoption status and compliance
  • Restore success rate
  • Server growth rate
  • Server manageability index
  • Service desk client satisfaction - Percentage dissatisfied
  • Service desk tier 1 resolution rate
  • Service desk time to escalate
  • Service desk time to resolve
  • Storage utility service availability
  • Storage utility utilization
  • Virtual machine provisioning interval
  • Virtual server utility availability
  • Web server availability