G. 交通运输、仓储和邮政业

按照 GB/T4754-2017(中华人民共和国国家标准:国民经济行业分类), 交通运输、仓储和邮政业  门类又细分为以下大类:

  • 53 铁路运输业

  • 54 道路运输业

  • 55 水上运输业

  • 56 航空运输业

  • 57 管道运输业

  • 58 多式联运和运输代理业

  • 59 装卸搬运和仓储业

  • 60 邮政业

以下我们列出了部分国际通行的行业 KPI 指标,仅供参考:

中文名称 英文名称
  • Annualized inventory turns
  • Annualized cost of goods sold (COGS)/average daily inventory value
  • Backlog value
  • Value of open, not yet fulfilled, booked order lines
  • Book to fulfill ratio
  • Booked order value/fulfilled value
  • Book to ship days
  • Average of shipped date - Firm date (booked date used if no firmed date)
  • Booked order value
  • Booked order line value (not including returns)
  • Claims percentage for freight costs
  • Customer order promised cycle time
  • Defects per million opportunities
  • Inventory months of supply
  • On-time line count
  • On-time pickups
  • Pick exceptions rate
  • Percentage of picks with exceptions
  • Pick release to ship
  • Planned inventory turns
  • Planned cost of goods sold/planned inventory value
  • Planned margin
  • Planned revenue - Planned costs
  • Planned margin percentage
  • Planned margin/planned revenue
  • Planned on-time shipment
  • Planned service level (percentage of shipments shipped on time)
  • Planned resource utilization
  • Planned resource usage
  • Product revenue
  • Product sales revenue (not including service) recognized in selected period (based on AR invoice lines)
  • Product revenue backlog
  • Value of booked order lines less returns plus deferred revenue backlog (invoiced but not recognized)
  • Production value
  • Value of work-in-process (WIP) completions into inventory
  • Production to plan rate
  • Production standard value/planned standard value
  • Receipt to put-away
  • Time elapsed from pick release to ship confirm
  • Time elapsed from receipt
  • Transit time
  • Annualized inventory turns
  • Annualized cost of goods sold (COGS)/average daily inventory value
  • Backlog value
  • Value of open, not yet fulfilled, booked order lines
  • Book to fulfill ratio
  • Booked order value/fulfilled value
  • Book to ship days
  • Average of shipped date - Firm date (booked date used if no firmed date)
  • Booked order value
  • Booked order line value (not including returns)
  • Claims percentage for freight costs
  • Customer order promised cycle time
  • Defects per million opportunities
  • Inventory months of supply
  • On-time line count
  • On-time pickups
  • Pick exceptions rate
  • Percentage of picks with exceptions
  • Pick release to ship
  • Planned inventory turns
  • Planned cost of goods sold/planned inventory value
  • Planned margin
  • Planned revenue - Planned costs
  • Planned margin percentage
  • Planned margin/planned revenue
  • Planned on-time shipment
  • Planned service level (percentage of shipments shipped on time)
  • Planned resource utilization
  • Planned resource usage
  • Product revenue
  • Product sales revenue (not including service) recognized in selected period (based on AR invoice lines)
  • Product revenue backlog
  • Value of booked order lines less returns plus deferred revenue backlog (invoiced but not recognized)
  • Production value
  • Value of work-in-process (WIP) completions into inventory
  • Production to plan rate
  • Production standard value/planned standard value
  • Receipt to put-away
  • Time elapsed from pick release to ship confirm
  • Time elapsed from receipt
  • Transit time