D. 电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业

按照 GB/T4754-2017(中华人民共和国国家标准:国民经济行业分类),电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业 门类又细分为以下大类:

  • 44 电力、热力生产和供应业

  • 45 燃气生产和供应业

  • 46 水的生产和供应业

以下我们列出了部分国际通行的行业 KPI 指标,仅供参考:

中文名称 英文名称
  • Annual labor cost per device
  • Average cost per job category
  • Average cost per megawatt produced
  • Average labor hours per device per year
  • Average maintenance cost per mile of pipe/line/cable
  • Average number of days each work order is past due
  • Average number of labor hours to complete a maintenance task
  • Average response time to fix breaks
  • Average revenue per megawatt produced
  • Average time to settle a rate case
  • Consumption analyzed by units consumed and target reduction achieved
  • Crew productivity
  • Drinking water quality - Percentage of water tests that meet regulatory standards
  • Electrical grid load
  • Equipment failure rate
  • Equipment unavailability, hours per year - Planned maintenance
  • Equipment unavailability, hours per year - Sustained fault
  • Equipment unavailability, hours per year - Temporary fault
  • Equipment unavailability, hours per year - Unplanned maintenance
  • Maintenance backlog
  • Maintenance cost as a percentage of manufacturing cost
  • Maintenance technician's skill level improvement, year over-year
  • Mean time to repair
  • Number of complaints received by type
  • Number of customers who were cut off due to violations of regulations
  • Number of disconnections
  • Number of pending work orders
  • Number of power failures per year
  • Number of reported gas leakages per 1,000 households
  • Number of sewage blockages per month/year
  • Number of staff per 1,000 customer connections
  • Number of uncontrolled sewage overflows affecting private properties
  • Outage time per event
  • Percentage of customers that would characterize their bills as accurate and timely
  • Percentage of possible power revenue billed
  • Percentage reduction in number of complaints to the local regulatory body
  • Percentage reduction in number of employee injuries
  • Percentage reduction in number of equipment failures
  • Percentage of maintenance work orders requiring rework
  • Percentage of man-hours used for proactive work
  • Percentage of scheduled man-hours to total man-hours
  • Profit redistribution (rural electric coops)
  • Reduction in hazardous liquid spill notification time
  • Reduction or stabilization in rates (municipally owned utilities)
  • Response time to gas or water leaks
  • Sewage system reliability
  • Station unavailability - Planned maintenance
  • Station unavailability - Sustained fault
  • Station unavailability - Temporary fault
  • Total shareholder returns (investor-owned utilities)
  • Total time to complete new customer connections
  • Transformer/pump station reliability
  • Voltage deviations per year
  • Water system reliability
  • Annual labor cost per device
  • Average cost per job category
  • Average cost per megawatt produced
  • Average labor hours per device per year
  • Average maintenance cost per mile of pipe/line/cable
  • Average number of days each work order is past due
  • Average number of labor hours to complete a maintenance task
  • Average response time to fix breaks
  • Average revenue per megawatt produced
  • Average time to settle a rate case
  • Consumption analyzed by units consumed and target reduction achieved
  • Crew productivity
  • Drinking water quality - Percentage of water tests that meet regulatory standards
  • Electrical grid load
  • Equipment failure rate
  • Equipment unavailability, hours per year - Planned maintenance
  • Equipment unavailability, hours per year - Sustained fault
  • Equipment unavailability, hours per year - Temporary fault
  • Equipment unavailability, hours per year - Unplanned maintenance
  • Maintenance backlog
  • Maintenance cost as a percentage of manufacturing cost
  • Maintenance technician's skill level improvement, year over-year
  • Mean time to repair
  • Number of complaints received by type
  • Number of customers who were cut off due to violations of regulations
  • Number of disconnections
  • Number of pending work orders
  • Number of power failures per year
  • Number of reported gas leakages per 1,000 households
  • Number of sewage blockages per month/year
  • Number of staff per 1,000 customer connections
  • Number of uncontrolled sewage overflows affecting private properties
  • Outage time per event
  • Percentage of customers that would characterize their bills as accurate and timely
  • Percentage of possible power revenue billed
  • Percentage reduction in number of complaints to the local regulatory body
  • Percentage reduction in number of employee injuries
  • Percentage reduction in number of equipment failures
  • Percentage of maintenance work orders requiring rework
  • Percentage of man-hours used for proactive work
  • Percentage of scheduled man-hours to total man-hours
  • Profit redistribution (rural electric coops)
  • Reduction in hazardous liquid spill notification time
  • Reduction or stabilization in rates (municipally owned utilities)
  • Response time to gas or water leaks
  • Sewage system reliability
  • Station unavailability - Planned maintenance
  • Station unavailability - Sustained fault
  • Station unavailability - Temporary fault
  • Total shareholder returns (investor-owned utilities)
  • Total time to complete new customer connections
  • Transformer/pump station reliability
  • Voltage deviations per year
  • Water system reliability