O. 居民服务、修理和其他服务业

按照 GB/T4754-2017(中华人民共和国国家标准:国民经济行业分类), 居民服务、修理和其他服务业 门类又细分为以下大类:

  • 80 居民服务业

  • 81 机动车、电子产品和日用产品修理业

  • 82 其他服务业

以下我们列出了部分国际通行的行业 KPI 指标,仅供参考:

中文名称 英文名称
  • Average employee utilization
  • Average equipment utilization
  • Average number of days required to repair the item
  • Average number of no· shows per week/month
  • Average number of training hours per employee
  • Average repair cost
  • Average repair time
  • Average revenue per service delivered
  • Cash collected
  • Collections
  • Average training cost per employee
  • Client retention rate
  • Customer turnover rate
  • Daily goals
  • Employee turnover rate
  • Gross profit on pans/material sold
  • Idle time
  • Material cost per service hour sold
  • Mean service request completion time
  • Time to dose distribution (by time buckets)
  • Net profit as a percentage of labor sold
  • Number of apprentices and organized members certified
  • Number of apprentices and organized members needed to meet requirements
  • Number of open service requests
  • Number of prospective clients converted to clients
  • Number of service requests resolved during the period
  • Number of training courses conducted per month/quarter/year
  • Service level details
  • Percentage of members participating in approved programs
  • Percentage of total members participating in meetings
  • Period service renewal rate
  • Period service renewals booked value/period service renewals value
  • Period service renewals value
  • Repair order mean time to repair
  • Repair order past due percentage
  • Sales per employee
  • Sales per estimator
  • Sales per production square foot
  • Sales per production technician
  • Service booked to renewal ratio
  • Service contracts activated new business value
  • Service Contracts activated renewals value
  • Service contracts expired value
  • Service contracts terminated billed value
  • Service contracts terminated remaining value
  • Service department throughput (per day/week/month)
  • Service level
  • Service renewal past due percentage
  • Service renewals booked value
  • Service renewals forecast
  • Service renewals uplift
  • Service request backlog
  • Service request closed activity
  • Service request escalated backlog percentage
  • Service request reopened activity
  • Service request unassigned backlog percentage
  • Target membership growth
  • Total pans/material cost as a percentage of total sales
  • Unresolved escalated backlog percentage
  • Unresolved service request backlog
  • Unresolved unassigned backlog percentage
  • 每周团队目标
  • Average employee utilization
  • Average equipment utilization
  • Average number of days required to repair the item
  • Average number of no· shows per week/month
  • Average number of training hours per employee
  • Average repair cost
  • Average repair time
  • Average revenue per service delivered
  • Cash collected
  • Collections
  • Average training cost per employee
  • Client retention rate
  • Customer turnover rate
  • Daily goals
  • Employee turnover rate
  • Gross profit on pans/material sold
  • Idle time
  • Material cost per service hour sold
  • Mean service request completion time
  • Time to dose distribution (by time buckets)
  • Net profit as a percentage of labor sold
  • Number of apprentices and organized members certified
  • Number of apprentices and organized members needed to meet requirements
  • Number of open service requests
  • Number of prospective clients converted to clients
  • Number of service requests resolved during the period
  • Number of training courses conducted per month/quarter/year
  • Service level details
  • Percentage of members participating in approved programs
  • Percentage of total members participating in meetings
  • Period service renewal rate
  • Period service renewals booked value/period service renewals value
  • Period service renewals value
  • Repair order mean time to repair
  • Repair order past due percentage
  • Sales per employee
  • Sales per estimator
  • Sales per production square foot
  • Sales per production technician
  • Service booked to renewal ratio
  • Service contracts activated new business value
  • Service Contracts activated renewals value
  • Service contracts expired value
  • Service contracts terminated billed value
  • Service contracts terminated remaining value
  • Service department throughput (per day/week/month)
  • Service level
  • Service renewal past due percentage
  • Service renewals booked value
  • Service renewals forecast
  • Service renewals uplift
  • Service request backlog
  • Service request closed activity
  • Service request escalated backlog percentage
  • Service request reopened activity
  • Service request unassigned backlog percentage
  • Target membership growth
  • Total pans/material cost as a percentage of total sales
  • Unresolved escalated backlog percentage
  • Unresolved service request backlog
  • Unresolved unassigned backlog percentage
  • Weekly team targets